Our Policy on Financial Support:

We believe in grace giving. Giving is the privilege of the one who has been saved by God's grace. Salvation occurs when a sinner places their complete and total trust in Jesus Christ as their only hope for eternal life. This is because they understand that as a sinner before a holy God, they are absolutely helpless to save themselves. In recognizing this, they then choose at a point in time to believe that Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh and paid the full penalty for sin forever when He was on the cross. He arose the third day and is now alive forevermore. Nothing else is required to receive eternal life.

Grace giving means that the believer in Christ humbly recognizes that God has provided all that we have and it is our privilege to give back to Him some of what He has given us to support His work on earth. It is to be an expression of thanks to God. Giving is to be done freely and cheerfully as unto Christ as led by the Spirit of God. It is to be done deliberately as one has purposed in their heart based on how the Lord has prospered them for the Lord’s glory. The Lord loves a cheerful giver.

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